These can be specified using wildcards (e.g. All the specified sources must belong to the same Room. The array of video sources that should be placed in this region.
show_newest: a cell can be reused even if the video source it contains has not ended.show_oldest: a cell can only be reused when the video source it contains ends.
ĭefines how the region's grid cells are reused for placement purposes. Indices grow from left to right and from top to bottom. Ī list of cell indices on the regions layout grid where no video sources can be assigned. By default, the region has as many rows as needed to layout all the specified video sources. Maximum number of rows of the region's placement grid. By default, the region has as many columns as needed to layout all the specified video sources. Maximum number of columns of the region's placement grid. This constraint guarantees that the region fits into the Composition's viewport. Regions with higher values are stacked on top of regions with lower value for visibility purposes. Z position controlling the region's visibility in case of overlaps. If the region’s height is missing from the request, it defaults to 16 pixels for this validation. Regions cannot overflow the composition's area, so y_pos has to be a positive integer less than or equal to the difference between the Composition's height and the height of this region. Y axis value (in pixels) of the region's upper left corner relative to the upper left corner of the Composition viewport. If the region’s width is missing from the request, it defaults to 16 pixels for this validation. Regions cannot overflow the Composition's area, so x_pos has to be a positive integer less than or equal to the difference between the Composition's width and the width of the region. X axis value (in pixels) of the region's upper left corner relative to the upper left corner of the Composition viewport. GET: Retrieve a Composition media file sub-resource.Ĭomposition Instance Resource Resource URIĪ Composition Instance Resource has the following properties Resource Properties in REST API format.These are the URI schemes for the Recording Composition REST API Creating a Chess-Table Layout Composition.Creating a PiP (Picture-in-Picture) Composition.Creating Compositions with Complex Layouts.Compose a Specific Set of Track Recordings as a Sequence.Compose a Specific Set of Track Recordings in a Grid.Compose one Participant Video with all Room Audios.Creating Compositions with Simple Layouts.Composition Instance Media Sub-Resource.Insights, Troubleshooting, and Diagnostics.Specify Audio and Video Constraints in JavaScriptĭeveloping High Quality Video ApplicationsĪdd Programmable Voice Participants to Video RoomsĬonfiguring Audio, Video Input and Output devices Understanding Video Recordings and Compositions Tutorials and More Getting Started Resources